2 L EAN C ONSTRUCTION I RELAND A NNUAL B OOK OF C ASES 2018 Foreword Foreword by Tom Parlon, Director General of the Construction Industry Federation I am delighted to see this book of cases published by Lean Construction Ireland which highlights the extensive project experience construction companies have already been amassing on their Lean journeys here in Ireland. Having references available from real case studies will be a great incentive and practical guide for companies who are in the early stages, or yet to commence their Lean journey. The LCi plays an invaluable role in facilitating the exchange of Lean knowledge and best practice between stakeholders, promoting a greater understanding of Lean and the benefits it provides to the wider industry. The advancement towards a digitalised industry is inevitable; and Lean construction, together with BIM, and the need for more energy sustainable solutions, are aligned and mutually complementary. As the construction sector continues to meet the demands of a growing economy, there continues to be greater emphasis on the need for more innovative work practices and practical engagement of the work force. In conclusion, I would like to acknowledge the companies who have contributed to this publication, by providing real life project experiences. I hope you find this publication useful as you consider what benefits Lean might bring to your enterprise. Sincerely, Tom Parlon Director General, CIF
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