
3 L EAN C ONSTRUCTION I RELAND A NNUAL B OOK OF C ASES 2018 Foreword Foreword by Richard Fitzpatrick, Chairperson of Lean Construction Ireland On behalf of the Board of Lean Construction Ireland (LCi), it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the inaugural publication of the Lean Construction Ireland Annual Book of Cases. LCi is a community of learning and practice that promotes the application of Lean thinking and practices throughout the Irish construction sector to realise value-add for all stakeholders in the value chain. Integral to this mission is the open exchange of knowledge, information, and experiences around good practices and Lean case studies. This is achieved via the LCi website, monthly webinars, quarterly regional community events, and our national conference. The addition of this new LCi Book of Cases further supports that mission. We believe this Book of Cases will be a hugely valuable resource and reference for the Irish construction sector. It adds value by providing detailed and practical examples of where Lean has been implemented on capital projects as well as internal organisational transformation; it adds value by helping individuals seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding of Lean Construction; and it adds value by highlighting those innovative and progressive Irish construction companies that are leading the way with the adoption of Lean thinking and practices. The Board of LCi places great importance on its Book of Cases and plans to publish it each year as an Annual with the aim that it will become the key Lean Construction reference publication for all involved in the Irish construction sector – from Clients and Owners, to Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Consultants, and Suppliers. The publication of the Book has been a significant project in its own right and I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all involved. Firstly, I would like to thank those companies that have contributed cases for the Book and for their collaboration and generosity in sharing their Lean journeys with the wider construction sector. Secondly, I would like to thank our publishers, Box Media, as well as those sponsor organisations that have supported the publication. Finally, I would like to thank Darrin Taylor from Waterford Institute of Technology for his invaluable input as Editor and for his work in managing the project overall. I hope this Book inspires you and your companies to adopt Lean thinking and practices and to work collaboratively to deliver projects better, faster, together. Sincerely, Richard Fitzpatrick Chairperson of Lean Construction Ireland