40 L EAN C ONSTRUCTION I RELAND A NNUAL B OOK OF C ASES 2019 Case 10 – Collen Construction Established in 1810, and trading as “Col len Bros” unt i l 1984, Col len Construction is one of the leading construction firms in Ireland, and we are extremely proud of our history and reputation for building quality and excellence. The company offers a full range of construct ion services , including management contracting, des ign and bui ld, joint venture/par tner ing, and turnkey contracts. We have experience in a variety of project types, including residential, commercial, educational, retail, leisure, health, pharmaceutical, industr ial , and conservat ion, and ranging in value from under € 1Million to in excess of € 300Million. We have longstanding relat ionships wi th numerous Clients and Consultants built up over the years, ensuring the company has remained at the forefront of Irish construction for two centuries. Our Client list is testament to the excellent service the company provides on every project. C O M P A N Y W E B S I T E OVERVIEW & BACKGROUND TO THE LEAN INITIATIVE Collen Construction has in the past trialled Lean on a small scale but has since moved strategically to a fully integrated Lean approach on al l projects from design stage through to practical completion. This case project focused on pull planning with early col laborat ion between our Cl ient , Design Team, and Subcontractors. The overal l outcome was extremely successful with critical issues being identified and rectified prior to them becoming an issue for our operations team. Collen had previously adopted the Last Planner® System (LPS) on a pharmaceutical project and observed positive outcomes. Collen engaged with a new client on a fast-track data centre in a design and built capacity, and viewed it as the perfect opportunity to fully embrace the pull planning process and engage with key stakeholders at design stage to gain the best possible outcome at operations stage. The project chosen was a € 160Mil lion fast-track data centre project with Collen appointed as Main Contractor responsible for design and build. Initially we started with the master programme with the Key and Tag Milestone dates for each major element of works plus the equipment installation. Micro Schedules from the Vendors wi th key act ivi t ies and requi rements for thei r supplying Equipment were integrated into the master programme. LEAN INITIATIVE UNDERTAKEN – LEAN THINKING, TOOLS, TECHNIQUES www.collen.com AUTHOR Rebecca Reilly Once Collen made the commitment to embrace a Lean way of thinking, there was one clear objective at the forefront, namely to create greater value for the consumer whi le using fewer resources. Col len adopted Lean principles to eliminate waste through all processes and increase operational efficiency. Collen found the Lean concept to be an excellent fit with our company that encourages planning, change and innovation in an ever-changing sector. In 2014, we engaged a Lean Specialist to come into the company and train our senior managers, both onsite and in the office, on LPS, with 20 members of staff receiving full 5-day training on LPS. The training was very successful as it encompassed all the elements that are standard practice to Collen and formalised these elements into a usable template. Collen’s greatest strength is one that has been forged over decades “To foster a collaborative one team approach and build lasting relationships with loyalty at the core”. With this already well embedded in the company, the shift to Lean and Pull Planning at project level was well received. Figure 1. LPS Planning at Collen Construction Common Data Environment The first element reviewed was information flow. Historically in the construction sector, the greatest barrier is the flow and COMPANY OVERVIEW
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