
54 L EAN C ONSTRUCTION I RELAND A NNUAL B OOK OF C ASES 2019 Case 14 – DPS Advanced Technology Group DPS Engineering is a global Project Management and Engineer ing company providing project and programme management , pro- curement , des ign, construct ion management , heal th and safety management , commi ss ioning, qualification and start-up. Our sector expertise spans many markets including Biotechnology, Pharmaceut ical , Medical Technologies, Oil and Gas, Advanced Technology, Food & Beverage, Energy, Science & Education. DPS has more than 1600 employees globally, with 14 offices located in Europe, Middle East, Asia, and the USA. C O M P A N Y W E B S I T E OVERVIEW & BACKGROUND TO THE LEAN INITIATIVE This case study examines how Lean principles and tools can be utilised to improve construction projects schedules and costs via the identification and mitigation of delays. The goals of this project were to determine how Last Planner® System (LPS) constraint data could be utilised to identify activities to complete a Lean intervention on one of DPS’s ongoing construction projects, and if an improvement roadmap could be generated. To establish a baseline for compar i son, DPS completed a literature review of construction delays on international projects. DPS then used delay data generated by the LPS of schedule management from a project in flight to identify opportunities for improvement in a Kaizen event. Lean tools and processes were then utilised during the Kaizen to identify solutions and implement the improvements. LEAN INITIATIVE UNDERTAKEN – LEAN THINKING, TOOLS, TECHNIQUES www.dpsgroupglobal.com AUTHOR Richard Casey The project was completed in three phases: i. Phase 1 – DPS determined common causes of delays on construction projects by developing a ranking table of construction delays for comparison with existing DPS construction projects. ii. Phase 2 – DPS then determined the most common causes on delays on construction projects currently being managed by DPS ATG by researching six weeks of data from LPS variance information; collating and analysing the variances into a Pareto of opportunities; using Pareto data to identify activities for investigation; and utilising direct observation to determine the current status of labour productivity and the main causes of delays on construction projects. iii.Phase 3 – DPS made targeted improvements on an ongoing construction project by facilitating a Kaizen event and ut i l i s ing Lean tool s to ident i fy and make improvements. Implementation A project steering team was formed consisting of five project managers from DPS ATG. Four of the project managers were directly responsible for the construction management activities on the projects, and the fifth manager was utilised as an independent observer for the data gathering and progress of the team. The agreed goal was “to determine if Lean tools could be utilised to identify projects that could reduce the overall construction execution schedule by >10% and corresponding costs by >10% by the reduction of delays identified by analysis of LPS information”. The case study was completed in four stages. Stage 1 – Data Gathering Level 1 data analysis – LPS variance. The team gathered 6 weeks of variance (delay) date from the LPS constraint data and collated and characterised into a Pareto. Figure 1. Most Common Delays in Construction Execution on DPS ATG Projects On review of the findings with the project steering team, it was agreed to focus on determining the causes of prerequisite works and incorrect time estimates. The agreed goal was restated as being “to determine if Lean tools could be utilised to identify projects that could reduce the overall construction execution schedule by >10% and corresponding costs by >10% via the reduction of delays during prerequisite works and improving incorrect time estimates”. Level 2 data analysis – LPS Percentage Plan Complete (PPC). DPS completed a deeper analysis of the PPC performance to identify what project activities caused the most prerequisite and incorrect time estimate delays. The following activities were identified as low PPC performing (avg. <70%): • Containment Installation COMPANY OVERVIEW