2021 Book of Cases

Lean Construction Ireland Annual Book of Cases 2021 36 Typically, service providers identify physical openings through marking and cutting openings through in-situ marking and cutting, sometimes in error or out of sequence, and at scales or locations that can impact schedule and cost.This unstructured format is untraceable as the openings are not recorded as individual elements and therefore do not leverage the potential Lean Construction benefits made possible through BIM.Without an established BEP (BIM Execution Plan) to define the processual sequence of works required for interdependent contractors to model and track openings, clients do not have full visibility of the quantity, potential cost, or impact on the construction schedule, thus elevating the project’s overall risk profile. Furthermore, without adequate modelling of openings through an established, controlled, and agreed process, the openings marked or cut in error are typically unidentifiable from those which are genuinely required. As a consequence, clients do not have visibility of what they should or, arguably, should not be paying for. For contractors, the risks are equally high as seeking commercial recovery for untraceable service openings within the partitions is difficult and more likely to become a source of conflict. BIM Execution Plan & Best Practice Ardmac’s BIM-led Service Penetration Management Process is fully coordinated from modelling through to site install, giving our clients full visibility of project progress through the use of a tailored BEP, software, and live progress tracking to keep all stakeholders informed on project coordination and commercial outcome. The ECI (Early Contractor Engagement) stage of the programme is utilised in this case to insert Ardmac’s tailored BEP as a supplementary guide for service providers and the project BIM team. The step-by-step process outlines the most efficient and impactful methods for identifying service penetration locations, generating penetration models with unique identifiers and freezing penetration models before construction commences. The model freeze is a key milestone in the BEP and creates the opportunity to evaluate the impacts of the penetrations on the structural stability and passive fire protection required at each interface.Where the structural stability of partitions may be compromised due to large openings, or where clusters of openings occur, identifying long-lead, high-risk elements such as secondary support steel becomes possible at a much earlier stage in the programme.A bespoke master tracker tool provides instant feedback to the site teams, clearly identifying the quantity, locations, sizes, and types of openings. In turn, this sequence of works forms the basis of the interlinked fire-stopping register handed over to clients at project completion stage.The master tracker can forecast the true extent of the works to be carried out in a particular area of the building ahead of commencement dates, feeding directly into the weekly work plans and project production plans. From a safety perspective, the frozen models create an opportunity for the site safety teams to review and understand the extent of works to be carried out at height ahead of time, and sequence the works in a way that reduces constraints. Using BIM, and a plug-in software for Autodesk Revit, all openings can be auto-formed around services penetrating partition models. Openings are formed as per recommended sizing and deflection limits.Opening information is inputted using the naming conventions outlined with the BIM Execution Plan. All trade contractors have the ability to move and change the size of openings up until the builders’ work freeze date. Following the freeze date, Ardmac can consult with relevant supply chain partners, including partition panel manufacturers and the fire-stopping material suppliers, for review and comment. Should comments be received, requests for openings to be adjusted to comply with the structural and fire integrity of the wall are addressed and models are updated where necessary. Once the review process is completed, the openings become frozen within the federated model.BuildersWork Elevations for the frozen area will be issued to all project teams, and any change or additional penetrations can be communicated through the Service Penetrations Change Process, thus creating a level of flexibility to account for error or change. Figure 2. BIM Software Parameter Input Creates Auto-generated Service Penetrations within the Partition Models when Interfacing with Services Figure 3. Example Partition Elevation showing Service Penetrations with Unique IDTags Certified Fire-Stopping Ardmac is certified, based on a stringent evaluation program, as a Competent Fire-stopping Contractor with UL® who are widely recognised as leading experts in the testing, inspection, and certification of building materials as well as fire-stopping contractors. This gives clients and building owners confidence knowing that our installation processes have been reviewed and management Case 9