Lean Construction Ireland Annual Book of Cases 2021 44 Case 11 the project team – like the Planner and Commercial team – were working from home. We applied the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle to the creation of a prototype form and sought feedback from the team.We then created a refined solution and tested with potential users. Following some tweaks, we standardised the form and trained participants before implementing amongst the wider team. Control: To prevent people slipping back into the old way of doing things,we put a Control Plan in place to ensure the new process was executed correctly.Amongst other things, this detailed the frequency and the method of communication, how the new process would be integrated, and who would be monitoring future performance. Finally, a Lessons Learned document was compiled to capture and share knowledge. Figure 5. Control Plan This process-improvement initiative is still in its early stages, so the full list of benefits has not yet been realised. One of the key advantages of the Lean roll-out on the project is that the wider team now has a better understanding of waste, value-adding activities, and non-value adding activities. Other anticipated benefits include: • Improved Data Collection: It is expected that the collected data will see increased accuracy due to it being captured at the end of each day before it is forgotten. It will also be collected by the individual responsible for that area of work.The obligatory fields will prevent items being skipped, resulting in a higher quality of data being captured.This data will be better placed to paint a more accurate picture of the installation period and can be used by the pre-construction team when tendering for similar jobs.This data can also be shared with the subcontractor. • IncreasedVisibility Boosts Collaboration: The data collected inn the online form will automatically generate graphs to depict any delays encountered. It can be used to provide discussion points when collaborating at the weekly Pull Plan. If actual output varies from the planned output, the established daily output required can then be altered to achieve the target date. • Reduced AbortiveWork: Given that the data must now be recorded by one individual on one form, the time lost recording the same information in different trackers is reduced. The online form takes less than 1 minute on average to populate. • Documentation of any Deviation in PlannedWorks:The planned works for the following day are documented in the form and can be used to compare against actual output.This will be helpful when tracking productivity levels andmonitoring any deviations. • Readily Available Data: Now, data is immediately available for multiple parties once the form is submitted.This data can be accessed by package managers, engineers, planners, quantity surveyors, and so on.This has been most beneficial for those working from home throughout the pandemic. • LeanThinking:The concept of seeing pain points as opportunities has been established.Applying Lean thinking to problems has demonstrated the benefits of this approach and encourages us to seek further opportunities on our projects. Lean Initiative Improvements & Impact