
Lean Construction Ireland Annual Book of Cases 2021 50 Case 13 into the digital platform at the session, and we can see where trades can work in parallel to reduce work phase durations. It is also where we strive to provide flow of work for trade partners from zone to zone. After thisTakt is completed, the next sequence of works (or next Takt) is planned out in the same way, for example: • Cleanroom Ceiling. • Cleanroom Flooring. • CleanroomWalls. Figure 2. Takt PP illustrating Flow of Work & Levelled Personnel Density to SuitTrade Partners The resourcing function on the digital platform allows the group to see the personnel that will be working in theTakt Zone based on the PP that has been generated.This technology can group work fronts together to see the combined personnel across a number of Takt Zones to, for example, give the total in one building.Of note is the flow of trade partners from zone to zone,which reduces waste and is a key component ofTaktTime Planning. It can also be used to see the personnel required for an individual trade partner per zone, per building, or across the whole project. Figure 3. IndividualView ofWorkflows & Density Implementing theTakt Plan The agreed PP for an area is the main tool for coordinating the works in the field on a daily basis.Permits to work are approved if the works are scheduled in theTakt Zone as per the agreed PP. At the daily site permit meeting, the works in eachTakt Zone are reviewed. If there is capacity for additional work to be completed in a Takt Zone, then this is allowable if agreed amongst all trade partners. If the trade partnerTakt into that zone cannot accommodate any additional works by others, then the work cannot progress. Figure 4. Takt Zones &Area Coordination re Permits toWork To reinforce the focus of the planned works throughTakt, theTakt Zones were physically demarcated on site with barriers. Ingress/ Egress points clearly marked with theTakt Zone identifier.The agreed PPs were on display in eachTakt Zone so that PM Group area owners would be clear on what trade partners had the right to work in an area. Figure 5. Demarcation ofTakt Zones Impact of the Covid Pandemic After the onset of the Covid pandemic,Takt Planning became a critical enabler to keep crews separated and to manage the health of the team.The pre-Covid personnel requirements perTakt Zone were already known, as well as the maximum density of personnel per area.This information could then be used to take action after the onset of the pandemic. Revised personnel density limits were calculated for every Takt Zone with social distancing taken into account.This could then be applied to previously agreed PPs to see where action was required, like, for example: