
Lean Construction Ireland Annual Book of Cases 2021 67 • Specialist Unit Design (SUDs) –The off-site fabrication of singular or specialist units for installation on site. • Speciality Installation Designs (SIDs) – Repeatable units of multiple designs that can be fabricated elsewhere and provided to the trades-clients for installation. Utilising these definitions as a guide,DPS completed a brainstorming session with the client and established a number of areas where OSM opportunities lay and the ease of implementation. A roadmap of opportunities was identified (see Figure 1 blurred for confidentiality reasons). Figure 1. OSMOpportunities The highest areas of return for the upcoming projects were identified as: • Pre-Assembled Racks –A significant meterage of piping could be assembled off-site and installed en-masse in a matter of days. • Pre-Assembled Culvert – For pipe transfer across the public roadway. • MCC/CSR Rooms –These could be assembled internationally, shipped to Ireland, and road transferred to a local panel builder. • Utility Panels – Pre-manufactured and consisted of assembled utility and service connections (piping and valves), sockets, and data. • MobileVessels – Assembled off-site as complete skids, including panels. • CIP Skids – Assembled off-site as complete skids, including panels. • Waste Skid –Assembled off-site as a complete skid, including pumps, panels, and valves. • LPHW Skid –Assembled off-site as a complete skid. A current state analysis was carried out and it was determined that up to 22% of overhead could be transferred toOSM facilities and up to 42,000 hours of productivity could be gained.The first stage-gate of the framework development was passed as OSM was deemed to be viable and had an achievable return on investment. Measure The second stage-gate was to determine if the client’s existing supply chain had the manufacturing capability to provide this service to the client. DPS compiled a CBA process to measure the capability of a number of trades within the local and international market.A total of 50 suppliers were measured against the CBA process, with five domestic trades and 15 international trades meeting or exceeding the criteria.DPS worked closely with the client’s preferred suppliers to assess their capability and develop improvement plans for the preferred supplier listing. Analyse The next stage was to establish a new framework to allow the supply chain to understand how and where they fitted into the newOSM process.This was a significant change to the existing and established processes used historically on the projects. DPS developed a highlevel value stream map (VSM) with the client and suppliers to determine the main hand-offs and pinch points. Figure 2. High-LevelValue Stream Map TheVSM was utilised to establish the main owners, hand-overs, QAQC requirements, lead times, and integration points.This process was completed with all opportunities identified during the define stage and with all suppliers within the value chain. The output of theVSM project was the generation of a RACI document to ensure clear and concise ownership of each hand-off with the corresponding deliverables and metric for success. A list of areas where new processes and procedures were required were identified by the team and summarised under the following headings: • Schedule Integration. • Design and BIMOptimisation. • Materials Management. • 4PL and Rigging. • Trade Facility Optimisation. • Storage Requirements. • Transfer and Hand-offs. • Site Installation. • Quality Management. • Performance Management. • Continuous Improvement. At this stage, teams were identified to determine if there were areas within the OSMVSM that could be improved. Improve The OSM implementation team utilised theVSM findings to determine areas for improvement for the overall process.All areas outlined in the Analyse phase required improvement projects to establish best known method (BKM) for OSM implementation. Sub-teams were formed to determine the best methods for the development of the OSM capability. One example was the analysis of the existing design process to determine what items could be transferred into SIDs.The design Case 18