
Lean Construction Ireland Annual Book of Cases 2021 17 l f s s 2 The implementation of the Coffey lean initiative and Lean Pillars has been value-adding in the short time since implementation. Coffey has an established Collaborative Planning Procedure,which is being constantly reviewed to suit our company’s needs. On the advice of our external consultant, we are currently using a paper-based visual model with Post-Its, but aim to implement a digital hybrid in 2023 once the Collaborative Planning system is established and sustained in our company.The Collaborative Planning process has brought great visibility to the planning process on site and highlighted many areas of improvement and identified inefficiencies we would not have identified in the traditional system.Through our weekly facilitator meetings, we have generated consensus amongst the Senior Management Team on how the system is implemented, and this has greatly improved our knowledge of lean in Coffey.The quarterly workshops with our Lean consultant, senior management and project teams have generated great positivity around collaborative planning, and have ensured buy-in from all parties. Driving Continuous Improvement At a project level, the implementation of the Collaborative Planning Procedure has greatly improved our analysis of the weekly plans. We can now gather our PPC and Reasons for Missed Commitment (RMC), and identify the ‘blockers’ to help project teams execute their projects. Every week, potential ‘blockers’ are identified on the Constraints and Action Log, which greatly aids contracts managers in reviewing live projects.This information is collated at the Learning Reviews every 6 weeks and is vital to identifying and putting in place control measures to prevent reoccurrence. Benefits of Collaborative Planning Some of the key benefits we have identified from our implementation of our Collaborative Planning Procedure are as follows: • Improves planning and organising by ensuring the entire project team is present at theWeekly Planning Meetings.This has eliminated the need for additional progress meetings on site. • Encourages better site management by raising flags and identifying blockers for the Last Planners and the site foremen to progress work. • Enhances communication and builds relationships and coordination between all project members. • Increases efficiencies by focusing on the removal of the constraints.This has led to increased production and less waste. • The introduction of the 3 week look-ahead has enabled greater collaboration between all stakeholders at the weekly meetings. • The capture of the collaborative planning metrics provides data to enable informed decision making and risk management. • Creates a simple, visual and user-friendly system. • Collaborative Planning lends to standardised approaches to project management across all our projects Figure 9: Visual Management making invisible processes visible and eliminating waste Lean Initiative Improvements & Impact We are in the early stages of lean implementation,but have seen very encouraging outcomes from each of our weekly detailed planning meetings.The Resident Engineer fromRPS who has attended all the sessions has been very satisfied with the progress to date. One of the most significant benefits we have experienced to date is in the weekly collaborative meetings, which promotes an atmosphere of teamwork amongst the project team and the Resident Engineer.The Last Planner system enables a shared goal to be brought to the fore and people are constantly reminded that we are all here to complete a quality project, safely and on time. Commencing with a trial roll-out on our contract in Saggart Reservoir in September 2021, our Collaborative Planning process was then rolled out in January 2022 across all our sites to help us establish the Coffey Collaborative Planning Standard. Feedback from each of these sessions has been gathered.The key point that is continually raised is that the collaborative element between the site teams and the foreman (or Last Planners) is an excellent project management tool and fosters teamwork. Below are some of the comments from a Resident Engineer and our Site Foremen: Resident Engineer Saggart Reservoir • “Everyone attending gets a global view of the project and the direction that the Project Manager (PM) is taking. • Potential problems or ‘show-stoppers’ are raised and discussed. • Helps Resident Engineers (REs) prioritise contractor correspondence i.e., RAMS review, rebar drawing checking, site checks etc. • REs can liaise with client PM,Employers Representative, client operators, residents on matters raised at the weekly planning meeting. Summary and Lessons Learned Figure 8: Constraints Log Case 1