Lean Construction Ireland Annual Book of Cases 2021 54 l f 2 feeling intimidated.The site team then continued to use the app regularly and soon started to appreciate its benefits; they could access 3D visuals in a matter of seconds at the location of the work being completed, reducing the time it would otherwise take them to return to their workstation, print drawings and interpret them (see Figure 2). The 3Dmodel is updated regularly on projects to reflect any design changes and updated in Dalux environment so that the project team was always looking at the latest design information. By completing project design updates in superseded this method waiting time is greatly reduced along with the risk of defects using old, uncontrolled documentation (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Comparison and waste analysis of the standard process vs the process utilising Dalux BIMViewer. It was clear at this point that Dalux was an excellent tool to introduce some of our less technically aware site members to digital construction.Where Dalux was part of the construction process, early evidence-based benefits included reductions in material waste, increases in on-time delivery and right first-time installations. Since the introduction of Dalux in 2019 we have seen an increase in active users proving its value within the company (see Figure 3). To understand the savings that Dalux would benefit us with along side the development of our employees we completed an analysis of the motion waste identified on one of our trial sites. In the case of this site,due to location restrictions,we were unable to locate the site office at the point of construction (see Figure 4).The distance required to walk between the construction site entrance and the office location is 500m taking approximately 6 minutes to walk each way, considering the 5 regular Dalux users at this location over a year this allows us to save approximately 4 weeks of total walking time and reduces motion by 750KM.” Following our case study, the company has invested in additional and more advanced training courses. SeveralWalls Engineers have attended the Naviswork Essential course and another cohort will attend the BIM ISO 19650-2:2018 Delivering Information Management over the coming months.We are also seeking to identify more tools that will improve digital engagement at operational level. Recently we have been using, on a trial basis, the OpenSpace App. OpenSpace provides 360° construction photo documentation software, and it allows us to do virtual walk throughs. It also accurately provides measures and quality checks of 3D spaces. We are very excited to assess the outcome of this trial and establish if this App can be added to our BIM tools box. Lean Initiative Improvements & Impact With the increased use of BIM on our projects, we recognised that the implementation and use of 3Dmodels increased our efficiency by replacing processes such as the printing and reviewing of 2D drawings.This is a poor use of management time and results in material waste e.g.,paper but also potentially causing costly mistakes when people are unknowingly looking at old revisions. 3D models are now updated regularly on projects so that site teams always have access to the latest design information. A vital component in the sustainability of this transformation journey was the establishment in 2021 of a Digital Project Delivery Department, where qualified personnel with BIM knowledge provide expert support throughout the business. Case 12 Figure 3: Increase in successfully engaged users withinWalls Construction Limited at a site level. Figure 4: Motion waste without using Dalux.